My Projects are Stuck

Jul 11, 2022
3 min read
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I'm stuck.

I find that my creativity is at the same time both my greatest and worst asset. I get upset when I cannot be creative, yet at times I seem totally unaware of how I'm painting myself into a corner.

I will come back and update this post at some point, but lets brain dump here we go.

Robot Draws You!

In 2015-2016 while working at startup Bond in NYC, I came up with the idea of "facetrace" which eventually became Robot Draws You! It's a combination of software and hardware that will eventually support push-button pen-plotter photo booth functionality with ZERO INTERNET REQUIRED.

Honorable Mention - RasphotoD

A part of Robot Draws You! is a piece of software that sits on a raspberry pi and talks to DSLR cameras. I have an older Canon T6 so it will be interesting to see what kind of functionaity will exist when/if I can ever upgrade my camera. Publishing this piece as a standalone thing for others to hack on is a goal of mine.


I absolutely love filming outdoor adventures, fishing in particular. I've been fishing my butt off lately, and I've accrued a bunch of extra footage. I have taken ten proverbial plates from the buffet back to my table and I have no idea what to do with this mountain of fantastic footage. Ok I know what ot do, but it's a slow and tedious process. I am excited my wife is willing to help sequence some footage and maybe, just maybe we can start to dig out. I've been more consistent lately, which the YouTube algorithm has been rewarding me for. I need to keep this up.

I have developed a pretty good process for making some very functional fishing lures for lake trout. My biggest hangups at the moment are getting a nice pearl white paint to spray (can't get in cans) as well as photographing the lures so they appear the way I want them to. Perfectionism is absolutely skullfucking me on this one. I need to just put the store up with good enough photos and MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE. The marketing I'm doing is actually working and I really need to make a new batch of lures so I can stop sending people the DIY instructions and start taking their money instead.

This site has languished on an old AWS EC2 instance for years, a graveyard of old projects that are not relevant to my career anymore. It's getting fixed. If you're reading this, there's something new going on

Our YouTube project has been a huge success in terms of generating good vibes, meeting cool people and practicing something new (video editing). It's becoming it's own thing. I really enjoy bringing VT2U, come along for the adventures! The website just needs to be some galleries of extra bonus content, and links to the episodes to juice that sweet sweet SEO.


I put a grey tarping down on top of the garden this year and it failed to contain the weeds. Now I've taken SOME of it up, but I need to cut some of it to totally remove it. The sunk cost has kind of shocked my brain and I can't really make decisions on it now. The rain is going to be awful for a week so I'm stuck now we'll see what happens.

Mat with a Salmon

Mat Gilbert is a creative engineer living in Huntington, VT with his Wife and Cat. He goes fishing as much as possible, but enjoys technology and artwork when not on the water.




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